
A funny thing happened last week.  As anyone who actually read this thing knows, I threw up a story that I had abandoned (it was obviously unfinished as I hadn’t even picked last names for some of the characters).  Oddly enough, that story skyrocketed my views, as evidenced by the […]



Mainstay 3

Charlie <lastname> was enjoying his usual afterparty afterparty.  That is, he was several drinks past inebriated, but still at least two from a blackout.  Well, he hoped it was at least two, because that’s how many he still had in front of him.  He took a long sip of the […]

American Horror Story

Fun fact about me:  I love scary movies.  I’m not quite sure why, but I find them very entertaining.  To be clear, I don’t generally find them scary, or even suspenseful (most of the time), but I do really enjoy them.  There’s something about the way a scary movie’s plot […]




So, now that I do writing as a “job” (I haven’t been paid for it yet, so it’s hard to use the J word here), my free time can be spent on other pursuits.  One of my bigger free-time activities is playing Dungeons and Dragons with my college buddies.  We […]

Blog blog blog

So, Mariah has been getting on my case about this blog, and she is so totally right that it’s almost unfair.  Of course, she’s my wife, so she’s nearly always right, but that’s not the point. When I started this blog, I had intended to post about writing in all of […]



You’re right, I am out of excuses…

One of my goals is to make the tools I’m using a regular topic of these blog posts.  So, to kick that off, I’m going to talk about the tool which has inspired this leap in the first place:  Writing Excuses. Writing Excuses is a podcast hosted by Brandon Sanderson, Mary […]


A decade of AR ruined the look of this town.  Every building was whitewashed in cheap high-contrast, punctuated by brown streaks of neglect.  Vince passed the storefronts with disinterest, their identical facades barely registering.  Most people had lenses, and those losers were treated to an animated inanity around every door. […]


Uh, yeah, it's just a little too sunset.  Can you fix that?

Demanding Critique

Asking for criticism on writing is kind of a weird thing.  First, it’s an obvious request.  After all, it is absolutely vital that a writer get more eyes on his or her piece before trying to send it out professionally.  Without it, I would be firing off first drafts of […]

Keeping the Discipline 1

One of the things which has really stuck with me is Brandon Sanderson saying that good writing is about practice.  According to him, just like any skill, becoming good is just a matter of continual practice practice practice.  This is unsurprising given that writing, like anything else, is just a […]



An Introduction

So, there’s always a bit of hesitancy when it comes to the first words on the page.  After all, these are going to be the first words most readers will see, so they need to have the appropriate amount of gravitas. Well, at least, that’s true for a story.  Fortunately, […]