
NaNoWriMo 1

Wow, it has been a while since I’ve updated this.  May, to be exact, was the last post.  So, let’s get down to it.

First, I am still writing.  I go to my writing group every week and I have had a few side projects here and there.  Lately my focus has been on outlining for National Novel Writing Month.  If you’re not familiar with it, feel free to check out that site.  Briefly, it is a commitment by several hundred thousand writers to knock out a 50,000 word piece of writing during the month of November.  It’s been around for quite a while, and I took a failed stab at it back in college.  This year, though, I have the encouragement of a half dozen fellow participants from my writing group, so I’m really going to go for it.

One of the concessions allowed by NaNoWriMo is a thorough outline, even though the actual writing cannot start until November 1st.  So, struck by inspiration for a story which will occur in a world I’ve been developing for a while, I’ve spent the last month or so outlining a plot and some characters.  I’m enjoying where the outline took me, and I think it’s going to be a lot of fun to write.

I’m not ready to give any kind of synopsis, but I can say that it’ll be a mix of sci-fi and fantasy genres with a young adult focus.  Yeah, it makes that much sense.

I will make this promise, though:  I will post all of it here at the end of November, whether I make 50,000 words or not.  This contract will, hopefully, keep me honest.  I’m also going to try to update the blog throughout the month with my progress and any interesting observations.

Second, and unrelated to writing in a direct way, we bought a house!  That takes a surprising amount of free time…

Featured image is the crest from NaNoWriMo and rights belong to them.

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